Launch of the European Minerals Yearbook

On 15th October 2015, in Brussels, the first official European Minerals Yearbook will be launched in the frame of the next Raw Materials Diplomacy Dialogue between the EU and advanced mining countries event, organised by the European Commission’s DG Grow and EASME.

The event will be opened by the DG GROW Director Mr. Gwenole Cozigou and by MEP Mr R. Buetikofer.
Mr Andrew Bloodworth, Science Director for Minerals and Waste from the British Geological Survey will explain how this innovative comprehensive source of minerals statistics can facilitate for the first time the European Union decision-making on investment planning and can be used to benefit the European economy, industrial development and trade and the lives of European citizens.

Alongside data for primary minerals, the European Minerals Yearbook includes available data for mineral-based waste generation, treatment and trade. It presents national level statistical data for 40 European countries for the last ten-year period 2004 to 2013. All the data are accessible digitally through the European Minerals Knowledge Data Platform and provide the resource potential of primary and secondary mineral sources in Europe.

For more information please contact the EuroGeoSurveys Secretariat


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