EuroGeoSurveys at the Raw Materials Week 2021: charting the path for a more secure and resilient supply Nov29


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EuroGeoSurveys at the Raw Materials Week 2021: charting the path for a more secure and resilient supply

From 15th to 19th November 2021, key policy makers, industrial players, and a wide range of stakeholders engaged in discussions during the “Raw Materials Week” 2021 edition, hosted yearly by the European Commission.

In this context, and as a partner of the H2020 project SCRREEN2, EuroGeoSurveys took part in the “4th EU Critical Raw Materials” event, organized in collaboration with DG GROW on 15th November. The event aimed at raising awareness about the necessity of critical raw materials, reducing dependencies on strategic raw materials with improvements in their circularity which should be reflected in a far more robust European Circular Economy agenda and the inclusion of sustainable raw materials into the Just Transition agenda. In the same week, SCRREEN 2 kicked off a communication campaign to disseminate key messages  and reach wider audiences and networks.

For more insights about the events hosted, the activities and objectives behind, please read the following article.

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