EU project SCRREEN 2 launches campaign on raw materials Nov17


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EU project SCRREEN 2 launches campaign on raw materials

The EU funded SCRREEN2 project has recently launched a multilingual campaign aiming at raise awareness on raw materials. The “Raw Materials for Future” campaign will address the EU institutions, industries, professionals and the general public, and inform them about the benefits these materials possess and the key role they play for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015 by the United Nations along with EU climate and energy policy objectives.

The campaign will explore the variety of raw materials, with special regard to the critical ones, and explain how they will contribute to the SDGs and the green transition. It will be available in six languages and the main messages and graphics will be published in the SCRREEN website and on its social media channels ( LinkedIn SCRREEN, and Twitter accounts @SCRREEN_EU) using the #RawMaterials4Future tag.

More information is available in the press release.

The SCRREEN2 EU funded project

SCRREEN2 is an EU-funded project that aims to support the European CRM strategy and bring expert advice to assist decision-making at the EU level covering all the raw materials and their value chains screened in the CRMs 2020 assessment. The project, launched on 1 November 2020 and coordinated by CEA, comprises 29 recognised key actors, including EIT RawMaterials, on the topics of primary and secondary CRMs as well as on the substitution of CRMs.

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