Dr. Julie Hollis takes office as EGS Secretary General
EuroGeoSurveys is pleased to announce the start of Dr. Julie Hollis’ mandate as Secretary General today. In this role, Julie takes over the day-to-day operational management and administration of EGS and its Secretariat, increasing contact and collaboration with the European Union Institutions and agencies, particularly the European Commission, and representing the best interests of the EGS Members, the national Geological Surveys of Europe.
Upon her arrival at the EGS Secretariat, Julie held an introduction speech and concluded: “I am very happy to be in person in the Brussels office and I look forward to diving into the business of EGS”.
Julie is passionate about both geology and about communicating science. For the past twenty years, she has worked in leading roles in government geoscience in Greenland, Denmark and Australia, managing geological mapping and regional geoscience programs to promote mineral exploration investment. She has a PhD in Geology and a Masters in Science Communication and Public Engagement from the University of Edinburgh.