We would like to update you about the progress of the PanAfGeo project and the substantial visibility it is providing to EuroGeoSurveys and its members. Click here to download the...
Update about the PanAfGeo project – Presence at the Mining Indaba conference
posted by EuroGeoSurveys
GEO WEEK 2018: Supporting a resilient and sustainable world
posted by EuroGeoSurveys
Over 500 people came together for GEO Week 2018 from 29 October – 2 November 2018 in Kyoto, Japan. The week’s events focused on GEO’s three priority engagement areas: the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Gerardo Herrera and Veronika Kopackova represented EuroGeoSurveys and the Earth Observation Geohazards Expert Group. Click here to download the summary of the...
Workshop on UNFC Sustainable Resources Management in Europe at the EU Raw Materials Week
posted by EuroGeoSurveys
The workshop on “UN Framework Classification for Sustainable Resources Management in Europe”, was organised in the frame of the EU Raw Materials Week on 16 November 2018 in Brussels, by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the European Commission, the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) and EuroGeoSurveys (EGS). Click here to download the press...
Update about the PanAfGeo project – MOU signed between the OAGS & EGS
posted by EuroGeoSurveys
We would like to update you about the progress of the PanAfGeo project and the substantial visibility it is providing EuroGeoSurveys and its members. Click here to download the...
EGS Marine Geology Expert Group Meeting | 4th EMODnet project meeting
posted by EuroGeoSurveys
The EGS Marine Geology Expert Group (MGEG) had its annual meeting back-to-back with the 4th EMODnet project meeting in Shengjin, Albania on 24th September. Altogether 19-member organizations were present at the meeting. Additionally the meeting was attended by Jennifer Valerius (BSH, Germany) and Valerii Rokitshkij (Ukranian PSRGE), who gave their presentations on national marine geological issues. Most of the meeting was spent on national reports, but we also discussed GeoERA and its marine parts and amongst other issues possible staff exchange and equipment inventories. The EMODnet project had its 4th project meeting in Shengjin Albania the last week in September. During the meeting the 75 participating delegates from 29 European countries decided upon activities to finalize the project according to set tender by April 2019. During the last six months of the project partners will deliver last updates on data and the work package leaders will update EMODnet Geology data products, such as the seabed substrate, sediment accumulation, bedrock stratigraphy and lithology, coastal behavior, geological events and susceptibility, and marine mineral maps into scale 1:100,000 or the best available scale. Additionally some new features will be released for the first time, such as; geomorphology, Quaternary geology, and submerged landscapes of the European continental shelves during various postglacial time slices. Click here to download the...
Update about the PanAfGeo project
posted by EuroGeoSurveys
We would like to update you about the progress of the PanAfGeo project and the substantial visibility it is providing EuroGeoSurveys and its members. Click here to download the...